What Should You Know Before Changing the Shape of Your Pool?

One of the best parts of owning your own swimming pool is that you can make whatever changes you like, whenever you like. Being able to renovate, improve, and expand upon your pool can be a great way to show off your taste in aesthetics, design, and more.

However, renovating your swimming pool can also be quite a time-consuming and stressful process, especially when work takes more time and money than you might have expected. That's why we wanted to discuss how renovating and changing your pool can come with some complications - as well as put to bed some myths you might've heard about how easy it all is.

It's Probably More Expensive Than You Think

Right off the back, we wanted to drive home the point that whenever you change the shape, size, or depth of your pool, it's usually a process that ends up being as expensive as installing an entirely new pool.

Why is that the case? Well, an expansion or reduction to your pool will mean basically everything about your pool needs to be redone. It will likely need a new deck, resurfacing, additional digging, and much more. These are big processes that can require large equipment, ample space for extensive construction, and much more.

Your Area Matters

Where you live can play an important role in how much effort and time goes into your pool's extension. Urban areas are typically tighter spaces that require more space, permits, and specialized workers to function effectively. If you live in an urban area, then renovations and extensions to your swimming pool can take more time and investment than if you lived in a rural area with more space.

What's Your Pool Made Of?

If your pool is made of concrete like most swimming pools are, then an extension or change in size will definitely be a difficult process. This is because when concrete hardens and forms its final shape, it's a tough job to change that shape. Changing the shape of concrete involves identifying weak areas that may form, which is typically where new and old concrete meet. These areas are called "cold joints," and are called such because they are potential risks for cracks, leaks, and other issues.

Concrete pools need large equipment access and typically need to be removed entirely for an expansion process. That's a big reason why plenty of investment is required - not only are you paying for a new pool to be put in, you're also paying to have one removed.

Is it Worth It?

Depending on how important changing the shape of your pool is to you, the answer to this question is entirely up to you. If a new pool aesthetic is a must-have for you and you have the budget to afford it, then a new pool shape might be a great choice for you.

Changing your pool's shape can change the look and feel of your entire landscape, so if you feel that it's time for an upgrade to your swimming pool, then go for it. Just be prepared for a process that might be quite a big lengthier than you expected!


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