When and How to Drain a Pool

Immersing yourself in a swimming pool full of clean water is the best feeling you'd love to experience every time you are ready to swim. There are many maintenance practices to keep your pool clean and draining it once in a while is one of them. No matter how clean the pool may look, draining it after a while is essential.

Reasons to Drain Your Pool

The top reasons to drain your pool evolve around the quality of water. You can clean your pool when it is filled with water, but when saturated with heavy metals, there is a need for complete drainage. Comprehensive repairs are also done when the pool is drained to ensure all the necessary modifications are done. Another reason for draining your pool is the need to change the water and a combination of other tasks such as painting.

When to Drain Your Pool

Typically, pools are drained and refilled every five years unless it requires necessary repairs. Frequent drainage often leads to additional problems that impact your pool further; hence should be avoided. That is, the pool is made up of materials such as vinyl and fiberglass preserved when dipped underwater. If exposed for long, these surfaces wear-out and breakdown fast.
Another significant reason to drain your pool at the right time is to avoid the impact of hydro-static pressure. Your pool experiences both underground and side forces that push your walls into the pool. On the contrary, water is heavy and provides an opposite reaction force that neutralizes this pressure inside the pool. Without water, your pool is likely to collapse.
Fundamentally, consider the time of the year when draining your pool to avoid surfaces exposed to harsh weather conditions like the blistering sun. The best time to drain your pool is often when the weather is mild at temperatures below 85 degrees. Spring and fall are the best months to empty your pool and prepare for freshwater to enjoy during summer.

How to Drain Your Pool

When you have considered groundwater levels, time of the year, and other relevant factors, you now have a green light to drain your pool. Always use a submersible pump to empty your pool as most pumps pose a threat to the pool's structural integrity. Rent one from a pool supply company or hardware store and pump the water out. Note that improper drainage approaches can lead to bowing or cracks on surfaces.
Channel the drained water downhill or into sewer inlets in your property but adhering to crucial precautions. Sewer lines rarely deal with vast quantities of water; hence your drainage process should remain at around 12 gallons per minute. For larger pools, you will need hours or even days to drain, depending on the size of the hosepipe used. Besides, always develop a strategic plan before engaging in draining your pool.
Notably, many risks are associated with draining pools, but proper timing and well-planned drainage processes can eliminate such instances. Observe the above practices to drain your pool efficiently. You can consult a professional if you experience problems draining your pool.


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